You tube videos not saving and showing up

I have been using the new media feature of youtube videos that I downloaded into Kami. Today no videos are showing up in the students assignments. Is there a problem with the videos? Please help I love this feature to use to start my lessons.

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@bestprogramforpdf Is YouTube ( blocked by your school? If so, contact your admin to get it unblocked for you and your students.
Hope this helps!


Your right. We use Go Guardian and teachers are blocking students from going on You Tube. Thank you.

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@bestprogramforpdf you’re welcome!


and its Youtube no spaces in between the you and the tube

@Tim It is not Youtube, it’s YouTube with a capital “T”


I am a student and my school has restricted mode on, so i can’t see inappropriate videos, i been using it to watch sonic x on.

look that one up :upside_down_face:

@bestprogramforpdf here’s a great site for keeping students on track we use it and it is great! Also have you tried searching ?

If your students get of task consider using this its good!