Word count in Kami

I would like to see the addition of a wordcount menu. This would mean I would not need to download documents to see their wordcounts.


I agree - this has been an item of discussion at my school where we use kami

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Really would like to see this feature implemented! We need to prepare students for the academic realities of meeting wordcount requirements and there is currently no way to check this apart from downloading the document. Is there a way people can vote for this feature?
On the upside : it looks like the drawing tool has undergone some optimisation - really like how responsive it is now. Can do crisp looking ticks and write actual words with it now - a nice way to supplement use of commenting tool…

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No, I don’t think there is a way to vote on this forum. If there is, then I haven’t seen any ways of doing it. It would actually be useful if a vote feature was added to this forum, but for now all we can do is like the feature requests.

I do also would like to see a wordcount menu be added to Kami in the future, I think a lot of people would enjoy that than having to type in Google Docs or Word then copy+paste their work onto the Kami pdf, which can sometimes get pretty wonky and structured oddly when it’s pasted into Kami.

use the poll feature

Some people don’t know where it is or how to use it, especially those who just only joined to post one topic and didn’t go through the starter tutorial, and even the advanced tutorial to know how to use it.

But I see what you’re saying, but I feel like the poll is a little unnecessary as this topic is from 2 years ago, but that’s just my opinion.

A poll for the feature “Word Count”

  • insert the feature
  • don’t insert the feature

0 voters