New to Pro... Basic sharing questions

Up to 5 collaborators… Are these 5 specific people, per account or per file? Or 5 people at a time per file?

And do I only need to have the upgraded version if I am the file owner?

And do I have to specify which files, or can anyone I have shared files with can open up my files and edit

Hi itsnotmyfult,

The 5 collaborators means you can have 5 accounts collaborating on the same document.

No, only you need the upgraded version (but if other users do not, they will not have upgraded features).

Once you share the link, anyone you have shared the link with can open the file at any time.

5 accounts collaborating on the same document…


Or per document, in total?

Hi itsnotmyfult,

The 5 accounts means 5 total per document, but these two are not mutually exclusive. The 5 accounts can also be collaborating on the same document at the same time.

If you want to upgrade to more collaborators, you can purchase the Work Plan here: