Kami trial expired👿

I got a pro trial that I would pay annually for and then it said my trial was ending in a month so I stopped paying for it and was trying to get a refund but didn’t . When that happened to me i was :angry: and then I got a new trial and was :grin: then stuff wasn’t working right so i was :frowning_face: then it was working right and i was :sunglasses: then was :open_mouth: then :ok_hand: then :+1: then :open_hands: then :clap: then :facepunch: then :love_you_gesture: then :metal: then ate :watermelon: then :apple: then :banana: then :corn: then :coconut: :strawberry: then :pizza: then :fries: then :baguette_bread: :popcorn: then :hamburger: then :peanuts: then :cookie: then :clinking_glasses: then :video_game: then :iphone: then :white_check_mark: then :x: then :us: then :pleading_face:

It made me :rage: mad.

Help ME PLEASE! The discobot thing won’t work.

Girl or boy whatever you are…
You gotta calm down.

everything is going to be alright