Kami Not Saving - Save failed

Anyone having trouble with Kami saving? Students keep getting ‘Save failed’ message.


It might have started 24 hours ago or just a few hours ago. I had maybe one teacher report the problem yesterday, but now have 3 or 4 reporting it this morning.

Kami status doesn’t show anything yet: https://status.kamihq.com/?utm_source=embed

Google Drive status doesn’t show anything yet: https://www.google.com/appsstatus#hl=en&v=status

I’ve had 6 teachers report this today. Issues with iPad Kami LTI in Canvas since last week.

We see the same email about the fix. As support admin, would have been nice to be notified about the issue before it was deemed corrected, but I guess I will take it.

Thanks everyone!

Ok have a great day… talk soon