Kami keeps loading previous annotations on file, how can I stop this?

Hi, I am a tutor and I use kami with my students.

My worksheets are pdf and I load them through kami. Once they are completed I save the file with the annotations with a different filename and save it in the students folder.

When I have my next student who wants to use the same worksheet I load up the original through kami as I did the first time, but now it is covered in the annotations of the previous person. How can I stop this, it’s really frustrating.

Also is there a quick way to highlight and delete all the annotations from a pdf?


Hi James!

If you load the same PDF into Kami, the annotations will also load because that is how Kami saves annotations.

The best workaround is to create a new tracked copy. To do this, select the Open File icon in the top right, which looks like a folder. Next, select View All from the bottom of the drop down menu.

You can create a new copy of the file by selecting Create new copy, which will not have any annotations.

Hope this helps!