Kami deleting annotations

I am getting several reports in the last half hour from teachers that Kami is deleting the annotations that students are adding to worksheets.

“I am not sure if you are already aware, but I wanted to let you know that the online scholars are saying that as they try to write on the worksheets via Kami, their writing is disappearing.”

“Just to inform you that at the moment Kami is on and off.”

“Good morning, my online scholars are having issues with Kami, after they write something what they wrote disappears. I have tried writing on the document myself and it also erases. Can you please advise?”

“I was wondering if you have received emails from other teachers about Kami erasing students’ work? I have my homeroom students complaining of this issue.”

These are students using iPads with Safari. Not the browser addon needs an update issue. What’s going on?

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This is a known bug in the previous version of Kami. Please go to web.kamihq.com/web/update_app.html to update your app (bookmark that site as there may be future Kami updates that require you to update the app). Also go to status.kamihq.com and subscribe to updates for official status updates (bookmark that site).
Hope this helps!

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also, you can use this extension to keep your kami links in “groups” as they call it, for better organization. LPS extension for chrome

My teachers was having the same issues a few months ago [:airplane: :small_airplane: :flight_departure: :artificial_satellite: :rocket: :flying_saucer: :flight_arrival: :iphone: :computer: :computer_mouse: