Hi everyone! Join my zoom!

Anyone want to zoom with me?

ID - 368-200-7381
Password - 1LPxBQ

No dont wait ya I will join later… First join mine lol

Can you pls join now?

Sure why not, hang on just a second

Ok. See you in a minute!

Im coming right now, :slight_smile:See you soon

Ok! See you in a couple minutes!

some of my friends are joining from my zoom.

Can you ask everyone to come to mine? Please!

The ID is not valid… can u please check it

They are coming to your… lol I told them too

It should work! Ok. lol

Ok let me in lol

( merry christmas )

I did! I see you! lol

Okay thanks :slight_smile:

( hate this 20 character lol )

You’re welcome. Why does it have to be 20 characters?

I am not sure kami just is annoying right now… lol

If you want I can teach you to “bypass” this limit of the forum (i dont want everyone to know this trick so send a private message and i will tell you (put “Community 20 Character Minimum” as subject and link to this post (click the link button copy the link and paste it into the message so i know why you want to know the trick)))

Okay just come and she will let you in

Julia Im getting Koo back